Nestle Shopsteward Training

Nestle Shopstewards were part of a three-day training and Leadership workshop from April 3–5,24 The workshop was held at 26 Degrees South Hotel in Muldersdrift, Johannesburg Afadwu National Officials were also invited, The three-day program was broken down as follows: Day 1: the shopstewards were trained on Dismissal in the Workplace and Collective bargaining, and the training was facilitated by Princess Mohlahlo from ENS Africa and her Associate Nomathemba This was an insightful and informative training as most of the Shopstewards were newly elected and coming from across all Nestle sites in South Africa since Afadwu is now a majority union at Nestle, Day 2 and 3: The program was facilitated by Mandate Molefi Consultants and the Speakers were Nene Molefi owner and CEO , Bongani Ndaba consultant, and Merafe Ramono- Consultant
The Shopstewards , officials, and senior Nestle leadership were also part of this workshop and learned about cooperative leadership, unlearning and re-learning, and creating a psychologically safe work environment where all workers are free to voice their challenges and opinions The theme was based on all parties respecting each other and co-creating a future together, This was an eye-opening event that needed to bridge gaps between management and shop floor workers and hopefully, this is one of many sessions.
Comrades were also taught the importance of Deepening safety Through trust, which involved result, accountability, ,Commitment, and trust from different teams, because without trust, you can not work together as a team and there will be conflict in the process, it was encouraged in the meeting that we need to commit in whatever that we do, whether it be in workplace or even in our unions, accountability comrades were also encouraged to account from their doings, allow them to be held responsible and the result will be the best result. In the training, comrades were also taught the four elements of trust, which were acceptance, as all people wants to be accepted for who they are. Not being judged makes feel inferior. It is often easy to be condescending, or to give the impression to others that they are inferior or stupid, Openness, People cooperate best with those who are level with them; do not hide anything and tell the whole story. Even though some details may be unpleasant, people can take good news but not surprise, compliment, or reliability
we have a duty to create a culture where every single person who is an ambassador of this table to be able to knock on anyones door exit this city and have a conversation that is it’s it’s it’s not in the 80s anymore doesn’t work to We have this bridge and this wall between us it doesn’t work so we need to really do things differently, we need to resolve conflicts and for me to resolve conflicts quickly because if a conflict is there but the issue is there and If matter is there and is not addressed quickly, it forms cancer it's cancerous it's just to create other problems which are not even related to the original problem so we need to resolve conflicts and issues quickly, even if closing is an answer which people did not want to hear but it should be closed and then we move forward because the challenges that are outside the organization they are way way bigger you know and if we have our focus only internal, we will wake up and find, Oh my God, we have not positioned ourselves to weather this comes that are around us so it is so clear that we from federal organization forward so last, just to quote some of my favorite leaders than you ,now he used to say the best way to find yourself is to lose yourself and save yourself others so let us please embrace the spirit as we embark on the journey as we foster stronger relationships between us as a representative body but filtering to the rest of the organization and ultimately it show that we have the tomorrow that we can only follow but we can say I contributed to the success of this organization.